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Who we are

Welcome to UA-AMSA!  The Board and I are truly excited for this year. We have many speakers and events lined up this year for our members to enjoy! 

- Rinku Skaria

UA-AMSA President


Our Mission
We strive to guide premedical students in their undergraduate careers to make them the best they can be. We do so by:

  • Making students aware of the rigors and requirements of the premedical  curriculum
  • Providing opportunities to get involved volunteer services at the UA and in the community

National AMSA Mission Statement

The American Medical Student Association is committed to improving health care and healthcare delivery to all people; promoting active improvement in medical education; involving its members in the social, moral and ethical obligations of the profession of medicine; assisting in the improvement and understanding of world health problems; contributing to the welfare of medical students, premedical students, interns, residents and post-MD/DO trainees; and advancing the profession of medicine.

Weekly Meetings
We hold weekly meetings every Thursday of the school year from 5:00-6:00 PM. The meetings are designed to inform our members about their next steps as premeds, how to get into medical school, and to encourage them along their student path. We invite physicians and other speakers  to come and share about their experiences and give advice to us. Current medical school admissions board committee members tell us what they look for in a successful applicant to med school. A medical student panel is held every year to allow students to ask questions about medical school.
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