Meet the UA-AMSA Board!!
The UA-AMSA Officer Board is one of the most effective student executive boards on campus. We delight in working hard to provide the best possible for our members.

President: Alyssa Farr
Hi I’m Alyssa and I am super excited to be your AMSA president this year! I graduated from UA last spring with a B.S. in biology, and now I will be working on a Master’s in Public Health in epidemiology. I’ve been living in Tucson for four years now, but before that I spent the first 18 years of my life in a small town in Oregon. I wanted to have a big change when I went off to college, so that’s how I ended up here and I’m really happy that I did. I’ve wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember, but the aspect of medicine that draws me in the most is the personal side of medicine. Often times, doctors lose the value of their patients as people, and I want to offer my patients the kind of personal care they deserve. I am especially interested in the fields of oncology and geriatrics. To enrich my clinical experience, I have volunteered at St. Mary’s hospital and I have also participated in the AMSA/OMA clinical internship. In my spare time I like to play soccer and run. If you have any questions or suggestions for AMSA don’t hesitate to contact me. I’m looking forward to a great upcoming year for AMSA and getting to know you all!

Vice President: Chris Wagner
I am a junior physiology major and Business Administration minor here at the University of Arizona. I was born in Auburn, Washington and lived there 13 years before moving to Lake Havasu City, Arizona where I attended high school. In high school there I was pushed to discover what kind of career I would like to pursue and I chose medicine. Since then, I’ve pursued my interest in the medical field by joining clubs like AMSA and volunteering at the Tucson Medical Center. When I’m not busy studying or volunteering, I like to watch movies, play basketball, or go snowboarding. As Vice President of AMSA I look forward to helping current members get the most out of being in AMSA while also encouraging all other premed students at the UofA to join!

Event Coordinator: Kimberly Karl
Hi everyone! My name is Kim and I am AMSA's new event coordinator this year! I'm currently a junior, my major is Physiology, Pre-med (obviously), and I'm considering getting a minor in Anthropology. I grew up in a town west of Phoenix called Avondale, and attended a high school called Agua Fria. I love to play tennis and watch Netflix in my free time. I'm involved in volunteering at the VA Hospital and am starting a research program with RSSS at UMC South this semester. If any of you find yourself at Tucson Mall, you might also see me working at the Olive Garden there on the weekends. I have always been premed and always wanted to be a doctor since I can remember. My favorite Aunt, Dr. Linda Karl, has been my role model since she spoiled me with my first Barbie doll. She is a doctor specializing in rheumatology and practices in the Tucson area. She is the main reason why I decided to go to U of A and has always been my inspiration for my pre-med path. I'm excited for what this position on the AMSA board will have in store for me! If any of you have questions about classes, professors, or about life in general, don't hesitate to contact me! Looking forward to a great semester!
Event Coordinator: Michelle Valenti
Hello! My name is Michelle Valenti and I am a sophomore here at the UofA. I am majoring in both Public Health and French. I am the new event coordinator for the 2013 and 2014 semesters. I was born in Michigan and moved to Phoenix when I was six years old. I have wanted to be a doctor since I was about twelve years old when I was first introduced to the medical field. Since then, I have solidified my desire by volunteering at a local hospital in Phoenix and joining AMSA. It is my dream to someday work for Les Medecins Sans Frontiers (Doctors Without Borders). When I am not busy studying, I like to spend time with my friends and family. I love exploring new places and trying new things, but I also love being lazy and watching Netflix. If you ever have any questions do not hesitate to ask. I hope to make this a great year for AMSA!

Clinical Director: Paulluvi Bahl
Hi! I'm Paulluvi Bahl, the new Clinical Director for 2014. I'm a sophomore, majoring in physiology with a minor in psychology. Born and raised in Phoenix, I'm an Arizona native. Like most of you, I've wanted to be a doctor for as long as I can remember. With my grandmother going in and out of hospitals for cardiac issues, I'm intimately acquainted with the depersonalized and overwhelming nature of a hospital. One of her surgeons really took the time to actually care and has been my medical inspiration ever since. I am fascinated by cardiology and neurology. I volunteer and participated in AMSA's clinical internship, and I also work in a research lab on campus. In my free time, I love to read, write, hang with friends, surf netflix, swim, and ski up in Flagstaff. Please feel free to ask questions, I'm happy to help with anything and everything and I'm excited for this year's clinical events!
Clinical Director: Rose Moore
Heyyo! My name's Rose and I'm the new Clinical Director for the 2013-2014 year! Just to get a few technical things about me out of the way, I'm a Junior, Psychology Major/Biochemistry Minor, and instead of being pre-med like everyone else, I'm Pre-Physician's Assistant! For the more interesting things, I was born in Brooklyn but raised in Staten Island, New York. Sadly, I lost the cool accent. I started drumming when I was 10 and did marching band in HS where I became the Drum Captain and Section Leader. I still drum, too! Marching and drumset, just ask to jam, I'll definitely be down. I currently work as an Emergency Medicine Scribe at TMC and I work at the restaurant on campus called Pangea as a Shift Lead. I initially planned on enlisting in the Marine Corps after HS but after a fairly traumatic event, I decided that I would dedicate the rest of my life to aiding others through life and death no matter the title, whether it be EMT, nurse, PA, or doctor. As for why I came to the University of Arizona, why not?! My sister went here 3 years before me and she loved it here, so I decided that Tucson was the perfect amount of change for me. In my spare time, I love to play sports (join our intramural soccer team!), cook, learn languages, make music, and spend my weekends with a whole lot of friends. If you have any questions about anything (club related or not), feel free to chat me up!

Membership Director: Stefanie Nguyen
Hey hey! I am a sophomore majoring in physiology--something that's always fascinated me and led me to an interest in the medical field. I've lived in the Phoenix area all my life, so this Tucson weather doesn’t faze me. When I'm not busy with school, I'm pretty active. I like to go and run, see new sights, try new foods--anything that keeps me moving! And when I get tired, I have the Internet (aka: social networking sites and Netflix). I also have my bed; I am a major sleeper. I'm oh so excited to be on the board and am looking forward to a fantastic year! I’m pretty easy-going, so if you have questions about anything and everything, feel free to ask!